Operationally Available Capacity (Timely) - WRH

TSP Name:
White River Hub, LLC
Eff Gas Day:
Eff Time:
01:00 PM CCT
Post Date:
Post Time:
04:31 PM CCT
Meas Basis:

Operationally Available Capacity Operationally Available Capacity by Segment


Gas Day:


Loc Name Loc Loc Purp Desc Loc/QTI All Qty Avail DC OPC Nominated Firm
Nominated Interruptible
Scheduled Firm
Scheduled Interruptible
TSQ OAC Flow Ind IT Comments Qty Reason
FLAT TOP (CIG) 40602 Delivery Location DPQ Y 300,000 300,000 15,270 1,003 15,270 1,003 16,273 283,727 D Y
MAGNOLIA 40603 Receipt Location RPQ Y 550,000 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 R N
MEEKER PLANT INTRCNT 40604 Receipt Location RPQ Y 1,700,000 1,700,000 414,545 0 414,545 0 414,545 1,285,455 R N
REX MEEKER DEL 40605 Delivery Location DPQ Y 1,524,000 1,524,000 164,145 0 164,145 0 164,145 1,359,855 D N
REX MEEKER REC 40610 Receipt Location RPQ Y 328,000 321,000 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 319,500 R Y
TRAPPERS LAKE (DEL) 40601 Delivery Location DPQ Y 500,000 500,000 167,491 501 167,491 501 167,992 332,008 D Y
TRAPPERS LAKE (REC) 40600 Receipt Location RPQ Y 550,000 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 R N
WHITE/TRANS RYAN GUL 40606 Delivery Location DPQ Y 500,000 500,000 70 0 70 0 70 499,930 D N
WILD HORSE 40609 Delivery Location DPQ Y 736,000 736,000 43,300 0 43,300 0 43,300 692,700 D N
WOLF CREEK (DEL) 40608 Delivery Location DPQ Y 204,000 204,000 23,607 0 23,607 0 23,607 180,393 D N
WOLF CREEK (REC) 40607 Receipt Location RPQ Y 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 R N
11 rows


* Quantities shown in the Operationally Available Capacity (OAC) column represents the receipt and delivery point maximum design capacities Operating Capacity (OPC) less the firm (Scheduled Firm Quantity) and interruptible (Scheduled Interruptible Quantity) scheduled quantities. As stated in Order No. 637 "The Commission finds that the reporting of scheduled capacity at each receipt and delivery point is sufficient, and that shippers should be aware of which points or segments are constrained."

** For locations listed as Deactivated, please refer to MOUNTAINWEST PIPELINE, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Sec 10.9; MOUNTAINWEST OVERTHRUST PIPELINE, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Sec 10.8; and WHITE RIVER HUB, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, Sec 10.8.